Scientific approaches and methodological principles of forming masters-vocalists’ professional readiness for artistic-creative activity




formation of readiness, artistic-creative activity, masters-vocalists, scientific approaches, methodological principles, soloists-vocalists, professional self-realization, socially significant activity.


The article substantiates scientific approaches and methodological principles that constitute the basis for the formation of masters-vocalists professional readiness for artistic-creative activity. Special emphasis is placed on the process of vocal-professional formation of the future soloist-vocalist, for whom creativity is organic in the unity of professional and personal growth, based on revealing talent, orientation towards public professional self-realization, achieving the goal – serving High Artistic Ideals, broadcasting the values of artistic culture and vocal art, presenting artistic values in the process of solo performing self-realization of a humanistically oriented artist, a bright personality, a high professional in his field. Solo performing activity involves various forms of work with spectators/listeners, in our opinion, realization of the vocal talent of a soloist-vocalist capable of designing and implementing artistic-creative projects requires additional scientific attention. The selected problem of vocal master’s degree applicants’ professional training for conducting artistic-creative activity is not fully disclosed. It has been established that readiness for artistic-creative activity is a sign of the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills, and abilities of a vocalist-performer in choosing variable solo performing forms of professional self-realization, searching for one’s own performing role, and continuous self-improvement. In the process of scientific search, the concept of “artistic-creative activity of mastersvocalists” was clarified, which consists in the successful organization of the educational process of professional training of masters-vocalists for planning performance projects, aesthetic orientation of the individual to mastering the means of combining related types of art, mastering the skills of complex application of intellectual and performing resources, which is based on the developed artistic taste of masters-vocalists aimed at the result – practical readiness for planning and implementation of artistic-creative activity, which serves as an adornment of the creativity of each soloist-vocalist, who owns the methods and techniques for conducting this type of creative performing-educational activity by creative soloists-vocalists. The feasibility of using a complex of systemic-holistic, personal-orientation, creative-activity, creative-projective approaches to organizing formation of masters-vocalists’ professional readiness for artistic-creative activity has been revealed. The essential features of the systemicholistic approach as a cross-cutting one have been established, which consist in focusing on a holistic vision of the advantages of conducting artistic-creative activity, which ensures achieving the goal – conducting vocal-educational activity, contributes to the disclosure of talent, manifestation of unique individuality, constant, relentless self-development during training and further creative life. The above encourages vocal master’s degree applicants to constant creative search, interaction with other creative individuals, representatives of related artistic directions, mastering the main knowledge resources in history, cultural studies, art history, and accompanying marketing resources for organizing the event itself – e.g. a musical event. The methodological principles for implementing previously presented guidelines are substantiated: the principle of integrative interconnection of professional disciplines – which contributes to the formation of masters-vocalists’ readiness for artistic-creative activity; the principle of reflexivity, which ensures the comprehension and awareness by masters-vocalists of the significance of carrying out artistic-creative activity for the target audience, the constant creative search for artistic images of artistic analogies; the principle of the interconnection of theoretical knowledge with their optimal use in productive artistic-creative activity; the principle of organizational mobility, which contributes to gaining experience in conducting educational artistic-creative activity, stimulates masters-vocalists to establish creative contacts; the principle of performing plasticity ensures the universality of training masters-vocalists to use vocal (sung in creativity) and verbal (conference) communication in the process of carrying out artistic-creative activity.


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