Primary art education as an organizational condition for the formation of students’ musical culture




musical culture, specialized art education, students, teaching methods, musical competences, performance skills, motivation, art institutions, musical education, music education methodology.


The purpose of the article is to highlight the specifics of education in art schools as an organizational condition for the formation of students’ musical culture. To achieve the goal, the analysis of scientific sources, comparison of various pedagogical approaches and practical experience in the context of specialized art education was used. Musical culture is considered as an integration of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, emotional and aesthetic experience and creative abilities, which contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. The author emphasizes the importance of developing a culture of listening to music, which is a primary stage in the process of forming musical competences, which become the basis of the highest level – the musical culture of art schools’ students. In addition, the author considers the role of musical literacy, which includes not only performance skills and abilities, but also students’ ability to emotionally perceive music and critically evaluate it. Special emphasis is placed on artistic awareness, emotional sensitivity, and creative development as components of musical culture. The author addresses the importance of aesthetic assessment as the final stage of aesthetic perception, which is based on the emotional and value-oriented understanding of music and is an important component of the student’s cultural development. It is also claimed that modern teaching methods, in particular interactive and innovative ones, contribute to the development of students’ musical competences, in particular by stimulating auditory imagination and emotional reactions. An important aspect is the integration of performing abilities and skills with emotional and aesthetic perception. It was determined that specialized art educational institutions are important institutions for the formation of students’ musical culture. They provide a systematic and consistent approach to learning that takes into account the individual characteristics of students, their interests, motivation and abilities. The musical competences acquired in these institutions are the basis for the further development of students as creative individuals and contribute to their emotional-aesthetic, cultural and social development.


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