Scientific approaches and methodical principles of forming creative competence in future bachelors of musical arts




creative competence, scientific approaches, methodical principles, future music teachers, vocal, instrumental, conducting and choral performance, interpretation, improvisation, arrangement.


The article substantiates scientific approaches and methodical principles that form the basis for developing the creative competence of future bachelor’s degree holders in higher music education. It emphasizes that creativity is an integral component of the professional activity of a music art teacher, and the realization of their creative potential involves a variety of forms of expression, in accordance with the multifunctional diversity of professional activities. The main types of musical and creative activities for future specialists include the subjectively meaningful perception of the artistic and figurative content of musical phenomena, as well as their performance and pedagogical interpretation, alongside the ability for creative musicmaking. Their development should be facilitated through the acquisition of knowledge in the history of art and musical culture, familiarity with genres and styles, and thorough musictheoretical training. Mastering these elements forms the foundation for creative musical thinking and the development of skills in creative music-making. The essential features of the functional-systemic approach as an end-to-end approach are revealed; they consist in focusing on the functionality of the studied phenomenon, as a property that provides the main purpose of its existence. The expediency of turning to a complex of additional scientific approaches has been proven, among which a leading role is played by a personality-oriented, integrative, competence-based, innovative, and technological scientific approaches. The methodological principles for implementing their guiding provisions have been substantiated, namely: considering the functional multidimensionality of the creative activities of future music art teachers; systematically coordinated engagement in various types of independent and creative activities; adhering to the algorithm for forming professional and creative competence in future music art teachers, which integrates traditional and innovative pedagogical strategies, methods, and music teaching techniques; systematizing the formative process with due regard to the specifics of performance training based on interdisciplinary coordination; considering general principles for the development of artistic meta-knowledge; fostering innovative, informative, and productive creative self-improvement; and incorporating ICT tools and specialized music software to enhance the creative potential of future music art teachers.


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