Tempo characteristics of the interpretation of preludes and fugues from J.S. Bach’s the well-tempered clavier





tempo, interpretation, J.S. Bach, The Well-Tempered Clavier, preludes and fugues, theoretical analysis.


The article discusses the tempo characteristics of the interpretation of the preludes and fugues from J.S. Bach’s The Well-Tempered Clavier. The aim of the study is to analyze the impact of tempo on the structure and expressiveness of the musical text, particularly through the examination of historical, theoretical, and performative aspects of the issue. The authors emphasize the importance of understanding the context of the Baroque era, studying performative traditions, and the semantic interpretation of tempo characteristics, which allows for the creation of a comprehensive understanding of the tempo features in J.S. Bach’s works. The research focuses on a critical reevaluation of traditional approaches to determining the tempo features of the interpretation of the preludes and fugues from The Well-Tempered Clavier, particularly through the analysis of tempo indications provided by J.S. Bach, and their correlation with the results of musicologists’ research and performers’ interpretations. An emphasis is placed on the semantic analysis aspect, as the correct interpretation of tempo is an integral part of understanding the dramaturgy of each work, influencing both the emotional and intellectual levels of performance, and consequently the interpretation. Studying the tempo characteristics across different performing schools allows for the comparison of historical approaches to the interpretation of tempo markings in J.S. Bach’s music, considering cultural and geographical differences. The authors also stress the importance of deeply immersing oneself in the historical context and knowledge of performative traditions, which allow for an authentic interpretation of the preludes and fugues from The Well-Tempered Clavier. It is noted that tempo is not merely the speed of execution, but a part of the overall structure that defines the expressiveness of the musical text. The article concludes that the main aspects that define the tempo characteristics of the interpretation of the preludes and fugues from The Well-Tempered Clavier are: the limited number of tempos in J.S. Bach’s works (Adagio, Andante, Moderato, Allegro, Presto); the importance of meter and pulsation in determining tempo; tempo being determined not by the speed of execution, but by the character of the musical movement; knowledge of the semantic interpretation of tonalities to determine the corresponding tempo; and that tempo is determined gradually by the performer during the process of interpretation.


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