Concert repertoire update strategy folk choir groups in the XXI century




folk choral ensemble, folklore, folk song arrangements, arrangement, musical style.


The article characterizes the modern repertoire trends of Ukrainian folk choir ensembles, reflecting both the centuries-old heritage and the influence of contemporary cultural processes. Special attention is given to the challenges faced by composers and choir conductors in creating innovative musical arrangements. The primary task in this context is achieving a balance between preserving the authenticity of folklore, which serves as a valuable source of national identity, and introducing modern artistic solutions that modernize the repertoire. The role of advanced technologies in the development of folk choral art has been established. These technologies not only expand the possibilities of arranging, including the use of digital sound tools, but also promote folklore through modern media and platforms. The significance of innovative arrangements of folk songs in shaping cultural consciousness and national identity is highlighted, which is particularly relevant in the context of globalization and the changing musical preferences of the younger generation. It has been identified that high-quality arrangement is a decisive factor in forming a relevant concert repertoire for folk choral ensembles. The main approaches of composers and arrangers to adapting folk melodies to modern performance requirements have been outlined. It is noted that contemporary methods include not only enriching the sound through new timbral and stylistic solutions but also preserving the artistic and figurative content, which is fundamental to the authentic perception of folk works. A series of arrangements of Ukrainian folk songs created by prominent composers of the past, including Mykola Leontovych as well as by contemporary arrangers who continue the tradition of artistic reinterpretation of folklore, has been analyzed. Adaptations of academic and pop works for folk choirs are also considered, reflecting the breadth of repertoire choices. Particular attention is paid to the interaction of traditional and modern elements in the repertoire of folk choral ensembles, as this enables the preservation of national identity while addressing the challenges of 21st-century cultural dynamics. Such works foster a deep emotional connection with the audience, especially among the youth, popularizing Ukrainian song heritage not only within Ukraine but also abroad. It has been established that choral arrangements of Ukrainian folk songs in the 21st century actively strengthen the position of Ukrainian choral art on the global stage. They open up new opportunities for creative experiments that combine tradition with modernity, creating a multifaceted yet accessible repertoire.


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