Artifacts of guitar ensemble art of Lviv in the archive of the library of the LNMA named after M. Lysenko




guitar art, chamber-instrumental ensemble, composer’s work, Loiza Puget, performance, publishers, Lviv booksellers.


The publication studies the materials of the music archive of the library of the LNMA named after M. Lysenko in order to identify the artifacts of guitar ensemble art of Lviv in the first half of the 19th century. The forms of music making with the guitar in the city are traced and the prerequisites for the formation of guitar art for the further development of professional guitar education and performance are clarified. The first concerts of European virtuosos in the city were identified, which were the first acquaintance of Lviv residents with professional guitar performance and the impetus for the introduction and development of this art form in Lviv. From the Lviv periodicals of the 19th century (the newspaper “Kurjer Lwowski” and the magazine “Ruch muzyczny”), the gradual accumulation in the library of the Conservatory of the Galician Musical Society of a mass of musical literature by European composers for the guitar and with its involvement in ensemble works, individual facts about their performance in Lviv were clarified. The revision of correspondence between the library stamps of the Conservatory and inventory numbers was carried out, which made it possible to establish the years of their receipt in the library of the institution. Songs for voice accompanied by piano and guitar by the little-known today French composer Loiza Puget were singled out from the mass of musical literature of the archive. The materials of her creative biography, the significance of the role of the leading Lviv booksellers of the mid-19th century, Karl Wild and Hubrynowych & Schmidt, in the spreading of Puget’s works in Lviv, the factors of the unprecedented popularity of Puget’s work in Europe and Lviv, the artistic value of her works were determined. It is proven that with her work and with the assistance of the work of Lviv booksellers, she appears among those who actively participated in the development of guitar, in particular ensemble guitar art in Lviv in the 19th century.


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