Підготовка майбутніх фахівців у галузі музичного мистецтва до формування виконавських навичок учнів-інструменталістів





skills, performing skills, art education, musical art, future specialist in the field of musical art, instrumental performance, instrumental students, instrumental and performing training.


The article examines the issue of training future specialists in the field of musical art for the formation of performance skills of students-instrumentalists. It is determined that one of the strategic directions of the reform of the Ukrainian education system is to ensure the compliance of its criteria and standards with European requirements, to create conditions for training future specialists in the field of musical art to develop the creative potential of students. The relevance of the research is emphasized by the fact that musical art is one of the most powerful means of harmonious personality development. At the same time, the higher school needs to update the scientific base, which would allow teachers to develop students’ creative abilities and ensure this complex process at the appropriate scientific and professional levels. Based on the analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature, it is claimed that the skills of playing a musical instrument are divided into several main groups, which include: notation-oriented, tempo-rhythmic, technical, melodic-phrasing, artistic-expressive and emotional-volitional. It is noted that the preparation of future specialists in the field of musical art for the formation of performance skills of students-instrumentalists in the process of studying at a higher education institution takes place in classes in the class of the main instrument, and the main types of work are solo performance, independent work on a piece of music, accompaniment, reading notes with sheets, transposition, playing in an ensemble, creative music making, etc. The main tasks of teaching the main musical instrument in the institution of higher education, which are aimed at the formation of future specialists in the field of musical art, the performance skills of students-instrumentalists, are the student’s mastery of the technique of playing a musical instrument in the process of mastering scales, exercises, etudes and works of various forms, styles, genres , era; mastering interpretation skills; development of musical abilities of the future specialist; forming the student’s pedagogical repertoire and mastering the methods of working on a musical piece; development of the intellectual, aesthetic and spiritual spheres of the future specialist in the field of musical art on highly artistic samples of domestic and foreign music; formation of performing manner and stage culture of future specialists.


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