Professional-subject position of future musical art master’s degree students: essence of the concept




subjectivity, professional activity, value, self-development, designing, strategy, professional-subject position, future masters of musical art.


In the research emphasis is placed on exploring the formation of the professional-subject position of future musical art master’s degree students. The theoretical analysis of scientific sources has allowed us to observe that this process becomes a priority, requiring students to engage actively in artistic and educational activities and to define themselves in the future professional environment. Key aspects of the professional-subject position are considered, including the internal ability of future professionals for self-determination, freedom of expression of their own position, and strategic planning of artistic education. Future masters of musical art are characterized as integral personalities capable of independently planning and determining their own vector of professional development. The examination of the stated problem includes psychological and pedagogical aspects, with a focus on the field of musical art. The subjectivity of the future master of musical art is seen as a characteristic of their artistic-educational activity, with the main element being the subjective position through which self-attitude is realized in the context of future professional activities. The professional-subject position of future masters of musical art is viewed as an individual integral characteristic of personality, determining the system of value priorities of personal and professional self-awareness and self-development in the process of artistic-educational activity. This is manifested in the design of individual strategies for achieving professional goals in the musical field. It reflects a way of self-development and self-realization, expressed in the creation of a personal system of professional activities, the development of personal criteria for this activity, and the ability to creatively design personal and professional strategies.


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