Music education in Israel: historical, theoretical and methodical aspects
music education, comparative pedagogy, pedagogical technologies, methods of music education, vocal - pedagogical technology, vocal technique.Abstract
Musical art is of great importance, as it is aimed at the formation of human personality, feelings, emotions and aesthetic consciousness. Music provides significant opportunities for cultural diplomacy, interaction between countries and peoples in the field of culture, art and education. Therefore, it becomes important to study new models of pedagogical experience in Ukraine and Israel, in order to introduce them into the educational process of both countries. The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of musical education and training in Israel. The historical prerequisites of the formation and development of the state education system, the foundations of the theory and practice of musical education and training in Israel are considered. The achievements of the Israeli national system of music education, which successfully solve the problems of music education and training, are highlighted. New musical and pedagogical technologies and methods such as “musical mirrors”, “plastic intonation”, “musical pantomimes”, “singing in the flow”, “cross-style” vocal training, etc. have been studied. These methods are used in the musical education of students at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, as well as in the childhood and youth education at preschools, general educational and musical institutions of Israel.
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