Acquisition of students’ vocal professional skills in terms of distance learning process: current issues and ways to solve them
vocal professional skills, training of future musical performers, distance learning technologies, material and technical, organizational, psychological and pedagogical conditions.Abstract
The article reveals the issues of professional vocal skills formation in students of music area of expertise and the ways and approaches to their solution. It has been established that distance learning is a modern brand and one of the ways to reduce risks arising during martial law. At the same time, it has been emphasized that its use for forming professionally essential abilities and skills of future musical performers causes several specific problems related to the peculiarities of performing and pedagogical activities in the academic vocal class. It has been concluded that compliance with certain conditions and terms can ensure the effectiveness of such training. Among them, material and technical conditions: high-quality acoustic and video equipment, made comfortable workplace for the teacher and student, specialized software for training vocal skills and remote interaction through communicators, video communication, learning management systems and learning content management systems. The organizational terms include establishing visual contact between the teacher and the student during classes, introducing an individual approach to practising professional vocal skills based on a specially thought-out system of vocal work, implementing group forms of learning distance interaction via group sessions, online competitions, guest master classes, creation, and provision of access to educational content (video lessons, tutorials, author’s master classes, sound libraries, and music collections) and auxiliary materials (accompanying phonograms, and exercise collections). The psychological and pedagogical terms for the formation of professional vocal skills using distance learning cover the readiness of the teacher (motivational, technical-technological, and cognitive) to organize and competently manage such activities, constant feedback between the teacher and the student, the creation of an atmosphere of emotional well-being, purposeful formation of motivation and self-discipline in students, individual and practice-oriented approach.
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