Use of training technologies in the instrumental-performing training of future music art teachers




training, training technologies, instrumental-performing training, competencybased approach, competencies, future music art teachers, organizational principles.


The study addresses current issues of the modernization of the educational sector and music pedagogical education, in particular, those aimed at preparing competitive and creative individuals able to quickly adapt, respond to changes in the modern world and creatively solve problems. It is noted that one of the components of preparing future music art teachers is instrumentalperforming training, the prioritized direction for improvement of which is the use of a competencybased approach. The article emphasizes that the use of training technologies in the instrumentalperforming training of future music art teachers becomes a powerful tool for their active learning, development of creative abilities, self-improvement and self-realization in practical activities, achieving the heights of professional mastery. The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of using training technologies in the instrumental-performing training of future music art teachers as an innovative educational technology. The research methodology implies the use of a competency-based approach, which serves as the basis for forming a holistic spectrum of key competencies necessary for successful instrumental-performing activity. To achieve the research goal, a set of methods was applied: theoretical analysis of researchers’ scientific works on the issue of using training technologies in education, comparative analysis, generalization and systematization, which made it possible to define the essence of the concepts «training», «training technologies» and the advantages of using training technologies in the instrumentalperforming training of future music art teachers. The content and procedural features of using these technologies were considered, the organizational principles for conducting training sessions in the process of instrumental-performing training of future music art teachers were substantiated. These principles ensure the involvement of all participants in the discussion of problems of musical performance, the formation of key competencies, increasing their motivation and interest in professional development and searching for ways to improve instrumental-performing skills.


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