Health protection technologies as a means of forming artistic and creative competence of students in music lessons




art therapy, vocal therapy technologies, health care technologies, future teachers of musical art, music therapy, artistic and creative competence, primary school students.


The article examines the results of research into the impact in the health-saving technologies on the formation of artistic and creative competence in students on music lessons. It was found that the formation of artistic and creative competence is not yet sufficiently substantiated and disclosed of students by means of health-saving technologies in music lessons in the theory of music education. Therefore, the purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation of the prospects for the use of health-saving technologies as a means of forming the artistic and creative competence of students in music lessons. Achieving the goal, a set of theoretical methods was used, such as: analysis, specification, comparison and synthesis, justification and generalization. Interpretation of the concepts “health-saving technologies”, “artistic and creative competence of students” was carried out. Health-saving technology is considered as a complex of forms, methods, teaching methods and educational tools, the purpose and result of which is to preserve and increase the health of the child. The artistic and creative competence of a student is defined as a dynamic education, which is characterized by development and improvement, based on an artistic and aesthetic worldview, knowledge, skills, and the ability to integrate two components - artistic as a manifestation of the artistic thinking of an individual in dialogic communication with art, and creative - as a manifestation of accepting non-standard, creative, unexpected solutions in educational situations and art education. Based on the results of the study, the existing classifications of health-preserving technologies were analyzed, the feasibility of combining the processes of artistic creativity and health preservation was substantiated, the integration of which provides a significant synergistic effect on the personal development of students, the formation of their artistic and creative competence in music lessons, which is the basis for a life-creating positive student positions.


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