The phenomenon of tremolo in musical and instrumental performance: a scientific discourse




tremolo (roll), method, skill, pitch keyboard percussion instruments, percussion instruments, xylophone, performance, mastery, technique.


The work is devoted to consideration of the essence of the concept of “tremolo” in instrumental performance, in particular: the piano, violin, domra, wind and percussion instruments. The purpose of the article is to study the concept of tremolo, the methods of its formation and mastery on different musical instruments for the purpose of comparative analysis with percussion, finding similar and distinctive features between the instruments, which in the end, based on accumulated knowledge and practical experience, will allow to more accurately define the essence of roll on the percussion instruments and integrate certain developments from other specialties into the technique of mastering this skill on the pitched keyboard percussion instruments. The main research methods were: methods of comparison, analysis, induction, deduction, observation. The role of the performing technique of tremolo in the interpretation of a musical pieces is outlined. The problematic of this issue in the field of performance and learning to play percussion instruments is noted. The meaning of the term in dictionary editions is determined. The theoretical and methodological developments of scientists, teachers, practicing musicians created in various fields of instrumental performance are analyzed. Their views regarding the interpretation of the concept, the definition of the term itself, the principles of performing tremolo, in order to find out and reveal its essence on individual musical instruments, were studied. Some other concepts, in addition to tremolo, which have similar features to this technique on instruments of other groups, which differ among themselves in the way of sound production, are considered. Varieties of tremolo on the piano, violin, domra, percussion are presented and their distinguishing features are indicated. The functions of the roll on percussion instruments are defined. The directions of work on the development of roll on the xylophone in educational programs for the educational discipline “percussion instruments” were traced. Various interpretations of the concept of “roll” are outlined. Ways of performing it on the xylophone while playing with two mallets are presented. Parallels were drawn and common features were found between percussion and other musical instruments in the context of the researched issues.


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