Phenomenology of stage image in the context of learning popular singing




image, stage image, pop vocal, training in pop singing, individual image of the singer.


The article examines the problems of forming the stage image of students in the pop vocal class. It is determined that one of the strategic directions of the renewal of art education is the involvement of children in musical and creative activities, which should be based on their individual needs and ensure the maximum release and realization of the personal and creative potential of each student. The relevance of the research is exacerbated by the fact that, among various types of musical and creative activities, pop singing training is especially popular and in demand among children and teenagers. One of the mechanisms of increasing the popularity of this or that music is the creation of a positive image of the performer, who, on the one hand, corresponds to existing trends, and on the other hand, is able to influence these trends, increasing the level of aesthetic preferences of the listening audience. The purpose of the article is to carry out a scientific reflection of the “image” phenomenon in the context of the vocal performance of a pop singer and to determine the essence of the concept of “stage image” taking into account the specifics of teaching pop singing to school-age students. The article uses methods typical for theoretical research: analysis, synthesis, generalization, etc. The author claims that image is a complex polyscientific phenomenon that reflects socio-communicative and personal aspects of human activity. The image is subject to conscious and purposeful formation and is considered from the point of view of internal nature, personal factors, without taking into account the creation of an image is impossible, as well as from the point of view of external factors, such as the market situation, society’s demand, trends, etc., on which a person is purposefully relies on creating one’s own image. The vocalist’s stage image is defined as an integrative synthetic construct aimed at creating an impression and influencing the listeners. The fundamental aspect of forming a stage image is the integration of individual and personal qualities, professional performance skills, features of external verbal and non-verbal communicative manifestations of the vocalist in the process of performance. The process of forming the stage image of students in the process of learning pop singing is defined as the process of revealing the student’s individuality, achieving a high level of self-understanding and self-expression in society through musical and creative activity.


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