Fine arts in a chinese school: the context of integration




art education, visual arts, integration, compulsory education, basic literacy, soft skills, People’s Republic of China.


The article demonstrates that at the current stage of civilization development, humanity is facing a series of global problems and threats, the adequate response to which requires radical transformations, including new ways of thinking and acting, and new approaches to problem-solving on a global scale. Primarily, this involves abandoning a fragmented worldview and transitioning to a new holistic perspective based on systemic and humanistic approaches. The concept of “New Enlightenment,” particularly through a radically transformed education, is crucial in shaping such an open worldview. It is argued that an integral part of such education should be art and artistic activities as instruments for cultivating contemporary personal qualities, traits, abilities, and soft skills. The leading educational role of art, especially visual and artistic activities, is actively implemented in the compulsory education system of the People’s Republic of China. In recent years, China’s education policy has consistently pursued the integration of educational content as a whole and the integration of arts education on several levels: 1) integration of art courses; 2) integration of art with other academic disciplines; 3) integration of artistic, especially visual, activities in both classroom and extracurricular activities, and more. Adhering to the age-related regularities of physiological and psychological child development, as well as the principles of art pedagogy and creativity pedagogy, the “Art curriculum standards: Compulsory education” of the PRC (2022) gradually introduce compulsory art courses, including music, visual arts, dance, drama (including opera), film and television (including digital media art) as integrated art courses. Additionally, they integrate art into other academic disciplines with the aim of fostering a comprehensive worldview, innovation, and creativity in young citizens.


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