Factors of artistic semantics of vocal music





vocal music, musical art teacher, musical performance training, hermeneutic competence, semantics of art, interpretation, typological approach.


General and specific semantic properties of vocal music are considered in the article, which should serve as guidelines for the hermeneutic actions of representatives of musical education in their performance and verbal-pedagogical activity. A wide range of vocal works is considered and analyzed with a view to typical semantics in the aspects of the characteristics of the voice as a physical instrument, age and gender properties of vocalists, a quantity of performers, and the interaction of singing with other means of artistic expression. Special attention is paid to the semantics of the verbal text, which is associated with the musical text. The authors claim that is necessary to understand the complexity of the linguistic organization of music and verbal text, as well as all the possibilities of interaction between these texts, both on the grammatical and rhetorical levels of organization. These complex relationships must necessarily be taken into account in an objective hermeneutical analysis of vocal works with verbal text. Understanding the general and specific factors of the artistic semantics of vocal music is a condition for the hermeneutic competence in the field of art education, in particular teacher’s ability to understand, reproduce in sounds and explain by verbal means the artistic and figurative content of a musical work.


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