Anthropological foundations of art teachers training




artistic anthropology, methodological foundations, future art teachers training, vocal-performing self-regulation.


The article reveals anthropological foundations of future art teachers training. Anthropology is defined as an extensive system of disciplines (cultural, pedagogical, psychological, musical anthropology), its connections with ethnology are revealed. Taking into account the current trends in the development of domestic art pedagogy of higher education, a new anthropological discipline – art anthropology – is substantiated. The musical-anthropological contexts of vocal-performing self-regulation are highlighted. The research methodology is based on the principle of historicism, as well as anthropological, culturological, phenomenological and comparative approaches. Among the used scientific methods, the analytical, in particular structural and functional, prevail. It is shown that axiological and aesthetic aspects of anthropology acquire special importance in the theoretical component of higher art education. The ideas of domestic Christian anthropology are highlighted. In the course of the presentation of the anthropological foundations of art teachers training, K. Popper’s concept of three worlds and the structure of aesthetic experience proposed by Roman Ingarden were used. The inevitability of modern globalization transformations, which change anthropological contexts, when national cultures cease to be self-sufficient and cannot exist in mutual isolation in view of the growing mobility of societies and the development of communication means, is pointed out.


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