Metaidealism or theoretical and methodological concept of author’s artistic style




metaidealism, metamodernism, theory and technique of fine art, artistic style, artistic method, sculpture.


The research reveals the theoretical and methodological model for development of the author’s artistic style – Metaidealism. The term Metaidealism has been defined as an artistic style based on a metamodernist understanding of the modern culture state which regards the object as an idealized construction, follows scientific and metamodernist approaches, and freely applies and combines modernist and postmodernist methods. The object has been found to be treated as an idealized construction, which is subordinate to the idea of artistic work and can simultaneously contain all types of relationships historically formed in art (unconscious reproduction, conscious approach and conscious distancing). The scientific approach not only provides systematic research but also serves as a universal language for expressing the artistic research logic. The metamodernist approach allows combining various special scientific artistic methods of the form shaping (axial construction, plastic construction, symbolism, constructivism, abstraction, crystallization of form). The peculiarities of applying artistic methods in practice have been analyzed on the examples of the author’s artistic works: «Everything goes, everything passes», «Those who knew Good and Evil», «Saint Yuri». Each of the works is shown as a general concept, the image structure that reflects the idea, sequence and peculiarities of using artistic methods in shaping the form and organizing the composition. The method of axial construction allows balancing the composition and conveying the complex movement of the form. Through the use of symbolism method, words-symbols are involved, which enriches the communication between the viewer and the artist. The method of abstraction serves to generalize the secondary. The use of the constructive method enables to develop the structure of the form which is subordinated to the idea of the work. The method of plastic construction is used to solve the degree of tension of the form and its plasticity due to the combination of a straight line and a curve in one line. Using the method of form crystallization, a single plastic solution of a synthetic composition is produced.


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