Components of dramahermeneutic experience of future vocal teachers and their assessment criteria
components of drama-hermeneutic experience, dramaturgical-thinking component, reflective-representational component, actor-performance component, practical-hermeneutic component, future vocal teachers, evaluation criteria, artisticmental criterion, representational-motivational criterion, personal-performative criterion, creative-interpretive criterion.Abstract
The article highlights the theoretical provisions regarding the components of the dramahermeneutic experience of future vocal teachers and their evaluation criteria. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of scientific understanding of innovative aspects of the training of future vocal teachers, which contribute to the growth of its quality. A theoretical analysis of scientific works on philosophical, art history and pedagogical hermeneutics has been carried out, which allow to effectively highlight the processes of appropriation by future vocal teachers of the dramatic content of a musical work with the aim of acquiring dramahermeneutic knowledge and skills as the basis of the drama-hermeneutic experience of an individual. It has been established that the training of future educational specialists of the artistic profile in the universities of Ukraine and China today involves the formation of a complete creative personality, capable, based on the mastery of musical drama as a phenomenon of thematic formation of form, the dialectic of image-content development, the aesthetic principle of the step-by-step disclosure of the dramatic idea of a work, plan composer’s concept, etc., to creatively and effectively implement the artistic and pedagogical functions of a vocal teacher. The scientific views of Ukrainian and foreign scientists about drama hermeneutics as a direction of drama hermeneutic knowledge and practical activity are analyzed. The component-criterion structure of the drama-hermeneutic experience of future vocal teachers is singled out. The first, dramatic-thinking component is expressed in the artistic-mental criterion. The representative-motivational criterion is included in the reflective-representational component. The third, actor-performance component, was addressed to the personal-performative criterion for assessing the formation of the dramahermeneutic experience of future vocal teachers in the universities of Ukraine and China. The creative-interpretive criterion corresponded to the practical-hermeneutic component of the formation of the drama-hermeneutic experience of future vocal teachers. The prospects of further scientific research in the theoretical substantiation of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the drama-hermeneutic experience of future vocal teachers in the universities of Ukraine and China are outlined.
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