On the Origins of the Formation of Traditional outfits of Ukrainians in the Context of Local History Training of Future Fine Arts Specialists
sources of formation of Ukrainian folk outfits, local history training, future specialists in fine arts.Abstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation of traditional outfits in Ukraine in the context of local history training of future teachers of fine arts. The authors analyze and summarize historical information on the origins of the formation of Ukrainian folk outfits in historical retrospect. The historical evolution of Ukrainian folk outfits dating back to the period of Kievan Rus is considered. The connection with other cultures, close communication with other peoples and their influence on the formation of Ukrainian dress are revealed. The authors establish the distinction between everyday and ritual clothing, which began in Ukraine in late Paleolithic times and met different human needs and identify the factors that influenced the various functions of clothing: national peculiarities, religion, artistic achievements, natural conditions, lifestyle, and distinguishes the functions of clothing: protective, practical, amulet, ceremonial, social, aesthetic, and national. This article identified the factors that influenced the various functions of clothing: national peculiarities, religion, artistic achievements, natural conditions, lifestyle, and distinguishes the functions of clothing: protective, practical, amulet, ceremonial, social, aesthetic, and national. It is proved that the ancient clothing of the Ukrainian population was distinctive and colorful, but the nature of clothing differed from one layer of the population to another. The authors describe illustrative materials – paintings by artists and photographs – with the help of which we can study the diversity of traditional costumes of Ukrainians of the nineteenth century, reflecting images of different social status in different regions of Ukraine. It is stated that the folk outfits of Ukrainians: – has an ancient origin and has preserved certain ancient elements; – has changed, supplemented, improved, complicated and diversified over time; – was divided into everyday and festive (ceremonial) clothing; – was formed under the influence of such factors as natural conditions, lifestyle, working conditions, and social status.
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