The method of working on a pedagogical drawing




method, pedagogical drawing, tasks, construction, drawing, painting, basic forms.


In the research materials, an attempt was made to analyze methodical approaches to the implementation of tasks from a pedagogical drawing. Approbation of the proposed tasks took place in the teaching practice of the teachers of the Department of Teaching Methods of Fine and Decorative and Applied Arts and Design of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Arts of the Precarpathian National University named after V. Stefanyka. The technique of step-by-step work on a full-scale image in the audience, from composition and measurement of proportions to tonal and color decision, was used. Knowledge of the progress of work on a pedagogical drawing is important both for the artist-pedagogue and for the student. The dynamics of modern art education today is aimed at the development of innovative forms of education. In art education, the classical basis of drawing has been preserved, which is the basis for the introduction of the latest approbation methods. Pedagogical drawing in the context of training a future artist-pedagogue performs the function of systematizing acquired knowledge and skills in drawing and painting. This educational component of training programs is aimed at methodically ensuring that the future artist-pedagogue performs creative tasks with students. The practical significance of teaching pedagogical drawing consists in strengthening analytical thinking, integrating creative abilities into the pedagogical process, and forming appropriate artistic methods of work in the drawing process. It is important to note that the formation of the artistic method, as a drawing system, took place in the past centuries in the work of outstanding artists. It is possible to single out the achievements in this field of the artists of the Renaissance, who created the rules of presentation of the image and in the future, their example was followed by subsequent generations of artists. Of course, with the change of artistic styles and cultural aesthetics, there were changes in creative approaches. But the goal of artistic visualization remains unchanged to this day – step-bystep work on the image according to a defined methodical system.


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