Methods of determining the level of formation of the comprehensive ability to act creatively among general secondary school students
competence, cultural competence, ability, comprehensive ability to act creatively, diagnostic method, institution of general secondary education, student of institution of general secondary education.Abstract
According to the State Standard of Basic and Complete Secondary Education (2020) competence is an integrated ability of a student acquired in the learning process, consisting of knowledge, skills, experience, values and attitudes that can be implemented in practice in a holistic manner; competence is a socially recognized level of knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes in a particular field of human activity. Cultural competence is a steady interest in mastering Ukrainian and world cultural and artistic achievements; respect for Ukrainians, representatives of indigenous peoples and national minorities, cultural traditions of other countries and peoples; understanding of creative ways of expression and transmission in different cultures through various types of art and other cultural forms. It implies the ability to understand and appreciate, as well as the willingness to develop and express one’s own ideas and feelings through culture and art. Since the formation of a certain skill is a component of competence, we consider it expedient to consider in more detail the cross-cutting skill of “acting creatively” in the context of the formation and development of cultural competence, namely, the methods of determining the level of the above-mentioned skill available to students. In the article, the author describes the methods for determining the level of development of the cross-cutting skill of acting creatively in general secondary school students. In the course of the study, the provisions of the competence approach were used. In order to achieve the research objective, the author used such theoretical methods as analysis, synthesis of justification and generalization of information. The author described the technology of conducting, the necessary handouts and methods of processing the results for the “Creative Imagination” methodology, the “Anagrams” methodology for studying the components of creative thinking (modification of the G. Eysenck test by N. A. Holovan) and the “J. Raven’s Progressive Matrices” methodology.
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