Project learning as a trend in the global art and educational space
technologies, project education, project technologies, world art space, innovations in art education; future music teachers, future choreography teachers, art projects.Abstract
The article updates the issue of the application of project-based learning in the field of art and general art education, in particular music and choreography. The foreign experience in the application of project-oriented learning, its origin from the theory and practice of management and extrapolation into the educational field, in particular, the art field, is considered. The purpose of the article is to highlight and generalize the foreign experience of applying innovations in project technologies, project-oriented learning in the field of art education and the practice of artistic creativity. A holistic approach was applied, an analysis and generalization of foreign experience and the results of the achievements of Ukrainian scientists regarding the application of projectbased learning in the artistic educational space was carried out, and the functions of projectbased learning were determined, which give it significant advantages in solving current educational tasks. The existence of the following functions was established: sociocultural adaptability of the individual due to the polyfunctionality of art itself; globalization mobility due to the factors of multicultural content in the meanings of art projects; interdisciplinaryresearch through the search for effective integrations of various types of art and art with other fields of knowledge; information-technological through the purposeful use of ICT as a resource for educational innovations in art pedagogy; communicative-dispositional due to the flexibility of applying role changes in the process of preparation and implementation of artistic and educational projects; stimulation of individual independence and creative selfexpression through the creation of appropriate conditions for participation in projects; creativedevelopmental through the creative and searching potential of the technology itself; selforganizational and mental health through mastering the competence of time-management and saving one’s own resources.
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