Musical stylistic competence pupils of art schools: essence of the concept




musical style, interpretation, competence, musical stylistic competence in pupils of art schools


The article emphasizes the importance of studying the problem of forming musical stylistic competence in pupils of art schools. Since musical sound images are characterized by ambiguity, variability, and dynamism, understanding them is a challenging task for children, reflecting their readiness and level of ability to perceive the style of musical works. A theoretical analysis of art history sources has revealed that musical style is a multi-level system of interaction between an individual’s artistic thinking and musical means of expression, influenced by socio-historical and individual-psychological factors, enabling the embodiment of the ideological and figurative content of a musical work. Perception of musical style is related not only to recognizing the structural features and traits of a musical piece but also to its interpretation. “Competence” as a key term of the studied phenomenon is considered as a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities that reflect the level of development in perceiving music of different styles, recognizing stylistic features, auditory control, and evaluating the embodiment of stylistic specifics in performance, composition, or listening practice. Musical stylistic competence in pupils of art schools is an integrative quality that characterizes acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities in perceiving, understanding, and embodying the stylistic features of musical works. Thanks to this developed competence, pupils of art schools can: identify and distinguish the main musical styles and genres of different eras; analyze musical works in terms of their stylistic characteristics; interpret musical works of various styles and genres, considering their stylistic features; improvise and create their own music in different styles, among other things. This competence is formed throughout the entire period of study in art school and is the result of comprehensive work by teachers and students. Its formation encourages children to creative self-expression and contributes not only to the development of their musical abilities but also to their overall artistic and aesthetic education.


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