Preparation of future bachelors of musical art for the formation of musical and aesthetic culture of schoolchildren


  • Wang Jiabin The State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”



spiritual culture, musical-aesthetic culture, future music bachelors, preparedness, general musical education, schoolchildren, post-information society institutions, competences, artistic picture of world, innovative artistic and pedagogical technologies


The article provides research materials on the preparation of students of higher artistic and pedagogical education, future bachelors of the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Musical Art), for the formation of musical and aesthetic culture of students of general secondary education institutions (GSE) in China and Ukraine. The essence of the phenomena of spiritual, artistic, and musical-aesthetic culture in the scientific discourse is presented, the concepts of preparation and preparedness of future bachelors of this profile are updated, the essence of the phenomenon of the preparation of future bachelors of musical art for the formation of musical-aesthetic culture of students of the educational institutions of Ukraine and China in the complex socio-cultural conditions of the post-information age is determined. society and globalization, some pedagogical conditions for achieving sufficient preparation are proposed, namely: modernization of the educational process at the relevant art and pedagogical faculties; sufficient mastering by the applicants of productive pedagogical technologies common in the world, in particular, innovative artistic and pedagogical technologies; a significant improvement of the pedagogical practice of the applicants and an increase in the terms of its duration; strengthening of the educational and material base of the specified faculties, in particular, with computer equipment and modern software for effective classroom work and pedagogical practice of applicants in educational institutions.


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