Methodology of research and formation of textural and style performance skills of the student pianist




textural and stylistic performance skills, piano training, scientific approaches, pedagogical principles, research methodology, future music teachers, future piano teachers


The study is devoted to the phenomenon of textural and stylistic performance skills of future music teachers and future piano teachers. At this stage, attention is paid to the research methodology, which is based on the factors of their formation determined by the practice of students of higher education majoring in 014 Secondary Education (Musical Art) and 025 Musical Art. The fact that piano training is the main segment of integral professional development, the acquisition of competences makes it possible at a certain stage to combine these two categories of learners with regard to the formation of textural and stylistic performance skills in them. The aim of the article is the substantiation of scientific approaches and pedagogical principles with a methodological function, which become the basis of studying the peculiarities and the development of methods for the formation of textural and stylistic performance skills of student pianists who study in various educational and professional programs and master piano playing in accordance with the requirements of the specialty. Based on the application of the analysis of concepts, scientific developments, research, as well as practice, which highlighted the factors of the formation of textural and performance skills, scientific approaches and pedagogical principles of methodical direction are substantiated. Three main scientific approaches formed the methodological framework of the study: cognitive-reflective, performing-competence-based and contextual-creative. The specified approaches made it possible to formulate and propose the following pedagogical principles: stimulation of a meaningful attitude to textural and performing skills as a performing resource for the embodiment of an artistic image; relying on the reflection of the feeling about mastering the piano texture and sound production, the advantages and disadvantages of mastering the piano texture; an interested attitude to artistic and technical self-improvement; enrichment of the resource of methodical self-sufficiency in mastering the textural and stylistic variety of piano works; encouragement to search for an artistic and functional context of means of expressiveness of piano works; accumulation of artistic and figurative meanings-standards of piano texture in stylistic projection by means of their classification.


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