Step-by-step methodological support for the culture of performance phrasing in the process of learning to play wind instruments




performance phrasing, playing wind instruments, methodological basis, pedagogical principles, stages, future teachers of musical art, future teachers of musical disciplines


The article substantiates the methodology of forming the culture of performance phrasing of future music teachers and future teachers of musical disciplines in the process of learning to play wind instruments. The step-by-step logic of applying methodological support for the specified process is presented. The main presented constructs of methodological support were scientific approaches and methodologically oriented pedagogical principles. The expediency of using motivational-setting, context-oriented, communicative-creative stages, which correspond to the logic of the “hermeneutic circle” in terms of content and forms of activity during their implementation, is substantiated. The author presents scientific approaches that provide a full cycle of the process of forming the culture of performance phrasing, at the same time, taking into account the dominance of certain approaches and certain stages. The expediency of using the following scientific approaches is substantiated: emotional and value-oriented; artistic and cognitive, hermeneutic, communicative, linguistic and cultural. The proposed pedagogical principles of a methodological nature correspond to scientific approaches and stages of the methodology as a whole. Herewith, the prolonged and end-toend nature of the principle of combining the artistic, technical and anatomical-physiological in the work on performance phrasing in the process of playing wind instruments is taken into account. The step-by-step principles were: comparison of verbal and musical-performance phrasing; focus on creative ingenuity while working on performance phrasing in polylogic/ dialogic projection (motivational and orienting stage); expansion of the set of artistic and performing means of expression in accordance with the semantic context; reliance on the semantic context of musical phrasing; stimulating the development of artistic and figurative thinking based on the diversity of the repertoire and the accumulation of figurative images (context-oriented stage); comparison of verbal and musical-performance phrasing; focus on creative ingenuity while working on performance phrasing in polylogical/dialogical projection (communicative-creative stage).


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