Methodological principles formation of artistic and creative competence of students in music lessons




future music teachers, methodological approaches, artistic and creative competence, music lesson, students of general secondary education


The article is about the current problem of modern art education, the substantiation of the methodological foundations of the formation of artistic and creative competence of students in music lessons, aimed at acquiring an artistic and aesthetic worldview, mastering the ability to perceive art and realize its valuable artistic influence, the development of creative abilities and the need to fill one’s own life and the life of those surrounded by beauty, goodness, aesthetics. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodological foundations of the formation of artistic and creative competence of students in music lessons. The research methodology includes the following methods, such as: theoretical analysis to determine the ideas of human-aesthetic, cultural, creative, competence approaches; justification and generalization for outlining the theoretical provisions of the mentioned approaches in the context of forming the artistic and creative competence of students in music lessons. According to the results of the study, it was found that the artistic and creative competence of students is one of the most important components of their cultural competence, the formation of which is aimed at the modern challenges of national education. It was determined that the methodological basis of the formation of the mentioned phenomenon consists of the theoretical provisions of humane-aesthetic, cultural, creative, competence approaches. It was found that in the formation of artistic and creative competence of students in music lessons, the humane-aesthetic approach directs the content of artistic education to a humane-value attitude towards the child and his inner world, the formation of an artisticaesthetic outlook and creative development of students; cultural approach – mastering cultural values, foreign and domestic artistic and musical heritage among children and youth; creative approach – encourages students to develop creative imagination, fantasy, emotional and sensory sphere; competence approach – formation of a complex of knowledge, skills, abilities of students as the basis of their artistic and creative activity. The opinion regarding the determinism and systematicity of a certain complex of scientific approaches to the formation of artistic and creative competence of students in music lessons is substantiated.


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