Development of creative independence in students of artistic and pedagogical specialties




creative independence, student’s independent work, problem-based learning, future teacher-artist


The article presents the results of a theoretical study of the problem of the development of creative independence among students of artistic and pedagogical specialties. The author considers the main problems of the development of creative independence as a personal quality of graduates of artistic and pedagogical fields, as well as possible ways of solving these problems. First of all, the organization of the educational process as the main factor in the development of students’ creative independence as their personal quality is taken into account. Special attention is also paid to problem-based learning. It is noted that problem-based learning consists in creating problematic situations for students, in realizing and formulating the problem arising from this situation, in solving this problem in the process of joint activity of students and the teacher. An important condition for problembased learning is the maximum independence of students, but under the general guidance of the teacher. It is shown that an important factor for the development of active creative independence of students is considered to be the active creative activity of the teacher himself. The creative realization of the teacher exactly as an artist motivates students to their own realization in the chosen artistic direction. Only a teacher-mentor can instill a taste for creativity, self-realization in artistic forms, support students in this direction, and involve them in active exhibition activities. It has been found out that the implementation of creative independent activity presupposes the emergence of an original, fundamentally new solution to a problem in an individual. Increasing the share of active, creative methods and forms of work in a higher education institution significantly enhances the initiative and activity of students in the educational process, develops a tendency towards creative activities, forms creative skills, experience of professional activity, and as a result, ensures the effectiveness of the development of creative independence.


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