Innovative forms and methods for developing compositional competence of future dance teachers based on contemporary dance




pedagogical conditions, methods, future teacher of choreography, choreographerdirector, methods for developing compositional competence of future dance instructor


The article is dedicated to the investigation of issues related to the development of compositional competence in future teachers of choreography as choreographers during their choreographic training, which was conducted in an experimental mode. The methods for developing compositional competence in future teachers of choreography as choreographers, aligned with the established pedagogical conditions in the process of teaching contemporary dance, have been identified and substantiated. The features of creating compositions using contemporary choreography materials are analyzed, particularly the distinctive characteristics of contemporary choreography that allow the exploration of the inner world of an individual through compositional experiments and improvisations using innovative techniques and tools for spontaneous movement. The role of the choreographer is discussed in the context of their functions as a leader, educator, and creative director, with a special emphasis on the development of compositional competence. The study of works, views, and methodological recommendations of art scholars and choreographer-directors has led to the conclusion that essential components in the process of developing compositional competence include the study of the theory of bodily movement, learning to create one’s own unique movements through natural impulses, and the use of innovative technologies, lighting, and computer technologies in the process of creating choreographic compositions to experiment and improvise. The methods for developing compositional competence in future teachers of choreography as choreographers in the context of contemporary choreography are presented and substantiated.


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