The phenomenon of historically informed performance in the teachers training process




historically informed performance, authenticity, musical interpretation, historical practices, performance context, future musicians-performers, future teachers of musical disciplines


The article examines the problem of musical works interpretation in the training of future teachers of performing disciplines. Emphasis is placed on the phenomenon of historically informed performance (HIP). Its advantages, disadvantages and prospects for application in the educational process of institutions of higher musical and music-pedagogical education are disclosed. The purpose of the article is to analyse the phenomenon of HIP in general, and in the context of future musicians and future teachers of music performance training. It is about the teacher’s ability to interpret musical works and evaluate the interpretation. The contribution of historical informed interpretation (HIP) to the understanding of musical heritage, its preservation, and dissemination is presented. Emphasis is placed on the limitations and challenges caused by modern factors of the virtual aesthetic and informational digital environment. The pedagogical potential of historical informational interpretation is specified, through the understanding of the interpretive concept as such, which contributes to a more inclusive and nuanced perception of “historical music”. Discussed views on the influence of the specified type of interpretation on the general understanding of the performance context due to the role of sound recordings and the relevance of historical practices in modern performance are presented. Among the controversial issues, the topic of application of ancient music is defined, which is presented through the coverage of different views on historical performance. In particular, the indirect factor of the decline of civilization is pointed out, since attention is focused on the old music works revival, and not on the creation of new ones. The article also examines the practical issues of historical reproduction of musical works, such as the influence of performance context and the changing expectations of listeners through recordings. The importance of a critical assessment of the relevance of specific historical practices in modern implementation is emphasized.


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