The specifics of vocal and professional training of Chinese students – future bachelors of musical arts




musical pedagogy, scientific approaches, vocal and professional training, future bachelors of musical art, specifics of training for Chinese students, structure


The article presents the results of an analysis of the content, organizational forms, and methods of vocal and professional training for students from China – future singers and vocal teachers. The foundation of the research is a synthesis of the works of Ukrainian and Chinese scholars in the field of music pedagogy, as well as the author’s own experience teaching vocals in a Chinese arts education institution. It is noted that contemporary vocal pedagogy in China typically pays deep attention to mastering both national singing arts and European traditions, which are recognized as the basis for integrating into global vocal performance and educational processes. Currently, China’s academic vocal school has made significant strides in mastering the fundamental principles of the European “bel canto” vocal school, which, along with natural musicality, vocal talent, and perseverance of young singers, helps them achieve considerable success and recognition of their skills in concert performance and competition far beyond their homeland. At the same time, attention is also drawn to the typical problems inherent in modern vocal education practice in China. The research is based on the conceptual principles of comparative and anthropological approaches, allowing for the identification of common and distinct features of the vocal-methodological systems of the two countries, as well as the characterization of the ethnic and individual-personal characteristics of Chinese students – future bachelor’s degree holders. The main differences characteristic of Chinese students are noted, which manifest at the anatomical-psychophysiological, artistic-mental, and worldview levels of organizing artistic and spiritual-creative existence of the individual. The structure of vocal and professional training for higher education bachelor’s degree students is presented in the unity of the epistemological-competence, motivational and personal, phonation-performance, reflexive-correctional, and professional-creative components. The features of their formation in the modern Chinese vocal education system are characterized, taking into account, which should help improve the effectiveness of training future professionals in both national and Ukrainian art institutions.


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