Methodical support for forming artistic and analytical skills of future musical art teachers in the process of playing wind instruments




artistic and analytical skills, methodical support, future teachers of musical art, playing wind instruments, pedagogical conditions, methods


The article reveals the main constructs of methodical support for forming the artistic and analytical skills of future music teachers in the process of playing wind instruments. The specified type of skills is structured according to three components: theoretical-semantic, which involves the formation of thinking operations in accordance with theoretical methods and semantics of art; methodical-reflexive, which involves the ability to choose methods of artistic embodiment of an image based on reflection of one’s own performing apparatus, ideas and images as a result of their analysis; artistic-interpretive, which concentrates analytical actions on the search and implementation of artistic means of the image expressiveness. The educational process of learning to play wind instruments involves the development of artistic and analytical skills that take into account the specifics of instruments and playing them. This actualizes the selection of methodical support for their formation. The aim of the article is to theoretically substantiate the model of methodical support for forming artistic and analytical skills of future music teachers in the process of learning to play wind instruments. Stages of the methodology are presented as follows: semiotic-prescriptive, methodological and research-oriented, artistic-mental. Pedagogical conditions are substantiated: activation of a complex of analytical activities in the work on a piece of music, stimulation of methodical independence and artisticanalytical efficiency in the process of learning works for wind instruments, accentuation of the integration of intellect and emotions in the performance interpretation of musical works for wind instruments. A number of relevant methods are presented: abstraction of various types of analysis of the work; synthesizing the results of various types of work analysis; text tasks; selfassessment; methodical self-referentiality; finding mistakes and overcoming them during independent work; creation of performance-interpretation maps of work on pieces of music; linking the analysis of attitudes and emotional reactions to the performing interpretation of works.


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