Artistic and creative loyality of younger schoolchildren by means of national song and choreographic folklore as a cultural problem




artistic and creative activity, cultural studies, national singing and choreographic folklore, children’s folklore, younger schoolchildren, educational process


The sources of a Ukrainian folk pedagogy are concentrated in the national artistic and creative activity, namely: in the traditions, customs and rites, in the instrumental music and also in the singing and choreographic folklore, provides an opportunity to use these keys as a means of educational influence on the students of primary school. Preservation and promotion of the Ukrainian instrumental music, folk songs and dances, speech, formation of mutual respect between people in the society is one of the main problems of improving human relations. The research focuses on a wide range of cultural issues related to the functioning, development and enrichment of ethnomusical, ethnosinging and ethnodancing values, its use as means of the artistic and creative activity of younger schoolchildren in the educational process of primary school. Instrumental, singing and choreographic folklore of Ukraine, as a component of national musical creativity that reflects the diversity of people’s lives, is a result of both the individual and mass musical creativity. The artistic and creative activity of younger schoolchildren by means of the national singing and choreographic folklore is a complex and at the same time a serious pedagogical process thanks to which the person’s spiritual values are nurtured and developed, such as faith, love, kindness, patience, mercy. The pedagogical experience of famous composers, musicians and choreographers allows us to state that the issues of pedagogical support of the artistic and creative activities of younger schoolchildren require the attention of teachers, related to the implementation of the appropriate forms, methods and technologies of folkloric cultural impact on students in practice.


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