Guitar master class as an effective form of knowledge update in the process of training instrumental musicians




guitar, guitar art, musical art, musician’s performance skills, guitar master class, guitarist’s game apparatus, knowledge update


The publication examines the problem of the guitar master class as an effective form of updating knowledge in the process of training instrumental musicians. It was found that the guitar master class provides the opportunity for applicants to communicate directly with experienced performers, receive valuable advice and feedback, which stimulates them to actively work on their own performance technique and interpretation of musical works. It was determined that the master class as an effective form of communication, exchange of experience, discussion of modern methods of performance and pedagogy has been significantly updated in the field of domestic guitar art during the last two decades. It was found that the process of acquiring musical skill requires systematic, daily work, analysis of numerous sheet music, scientific, video works both in performance and in pedagogical activities. Conducting a master class requires preparation and improvisation with circumstances and tasks, tact and artistry to convey his ideas. It has been proven that the need for rapid development of performing skills prompted scientists to develop a new branch of art history, which would be devoted to practical issues of musical art. The peculiarity of performing musicology is that the authors of scientific works are mainly the performers themselves, who are characterized by practical competence both in setting the thematic issues and in their scientific implementation, being distinguished by the professional authority of their scientific and methodological considerations. It was observed that improving the interpretation of the work will help to better understand and feel the form of the musical work, its main idea, decipher the composer’s programming. In the exciting game mode, you can offer to program interesting plot twists together with the acquirer: improve phrasing and intonation, rebuild contrasts in volume dynamics, balance agogic movement, think through artistic gestures, etc.


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