Method of forming ethnocultural personal competence based on percussion music
culture, ethnocultural competence, personality, music for percussion instruments, axiological approach, competence approach, hermeneutic approach, creative activityAbstract
The article presents the results of a study on the formation of ethnocultural competence in individuals, particularly higher education students in the field of music, based on percussion music. Ethnocultural competence is defined as an integrated characteristic of an individual that includes knowledge, skills, and value orientations related to cultural and ethnic traditions reflected in music. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the strategy for the formation of ethnocultural competence in individuals through percussion music. The research methodology involves the use of integrative, cultural, and systematic approaches. Methods of theoretical research, modeling, and analysis of the results of a pilot experiment were employed. The article analyzes the component structure of ethnocultural competence, which includes personal-axiological, cognitive-technological, communicative-interpretative, and reflexive-innovative components. The author emphasizes the importance of the axiological approach, which focuses on developing a value-based attitude towards musical heritage; the competence-based approach, which highlights the acquisition and comprehension of practical experience; the hermeneutic approach, aimed at interpreting musical works; and the creative-activity approach, which fosters students’ creative abilities. The article identifies four stages in the formation of ethnocultural competence: value comprehension, practical integration, acquisition of interpretative experience, and creative adaptation. These stages contribute to a deep understanding of ethnic musical traditions and their adaptation to modern performance practices, ensuring the comprehensive development of future music professionals.
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