Pedagogical conditions for training future piano teachers to work with pupils-beginners on the basis of art innovation




future piano teachers, applicants of higher music education, pupils-beginners, pedagogical conditions, methodological training


The article reveals pedagogical conditions for the formation of future piano teachers’ readiness to work with pupils-beginners on the basis of art innovation. Clarification of the essence of pedagogical conditions in a holistic methodological system is presented; the application of a step-by-step methodology for the selection of pedagogical conditions in the context of systematicity and connection with the components of the students’ readiness to work with pupils-beginners is considered and substantiated. The aim is to substantiate pedagogical conditions for the formation of future piano teachers’ readiness to work with pupils-beginners on the basis of art innovation. The selection of pedagogical conditions was carried out on the basis of scientific approaches: axiologicalintentional, competence-innovative, artistic-communicative and creative-emergent. The presented pedagogical conditions correspond to the components of the investigated quality. The “Motivation for teaching activity” component is formed on the basis of the introduction of two pedagogical conditions – emphasis on cognition and reflection of psychological and pedagogical problems of teaching piano to pupils of different age categories; stimulating a valuable attitude to solving problem-based situations of piano training. These conditions were applied at the gnostic-reflective stage. The component “Orientation in traditional and innovative forms of art teaching” is actively formed thanks to the pedagogical condition – expansion of the theoretical and methodological base of the artistic-innovative competence of piano training. The condition is implemented at the technological-didactic stage. The component “Culture of art innovation in the artistic-communicative process of learning to play the piano” was influenced at the communicative-projective stage thanks to the introduction of a pedagogical condition – creation of an artistic-figurative and creative atmosphere of piano training. The component “Innovative-creative initiative in teaching activity” was formed at the innovative-organizational stage in the process of applying the pedagogical condition – flexible and systematic introduction of the integration of elements of various art and creative innovations.


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