Essence and structure of interpretive competence of future vocal teachers




future vocal teachers, methodology, hermeneutics, interpretation, competence, musical art, component structure, formative process


The article deals with the problem of forming the interpretive competence in future vocal teachers. The author considers the essence of the concept of “interpretation” and the peculiarities of its manifestation in various types of artistic and musical activity; as well as reveals the specificity of its manifestation in the field of vocal performance and vocal pedagogical activity. On the basis of generalising the data from scientific sources, the essence of the concepts of “competence” and “interpretive competence”, as well as the specifics of the latter in the field of vocal education, are defined. The significance of the hermeneutic approach as a methodological basis in the development of methods of forming the interpretive competence in future vocal teachers is substantiated. The author characterizes the value and irreplaceability of the activity of a performer, who acts as a creative repeater of the composer’s artistic intention, capable of “decoding” the musical text, taking into account its genre-stylistic, intonation-expressive features and the uniqueness of the creative handwriting of the composition’s author. It is emphasized that the formation of the performing and interpretive competence should be ensured by knowledge in the field of musical art, developed artistic thinking and taste, as well as the singer’s possession of appropriate vocal and performance skills. The student’s awareness of the experience of interpretive and performing activity is the basis for the acquisition of mastery in the process of pedagogical interpretation of vocal works, in particular, the ability to inspire and convincingly instill in their students the ability to independently and creatively interpret the educational repertoire and artistically and convincingly convey its artistic meaning to listeners. It is claimed that the interpretive competence requires the improvement of personality oriented and mobilizing, communicative, emotional and volitional properties, readiness to independently search for interpretive invariants of performed works. Taking into account the above-stated, the structure of the vocal teacher’s interpretive competence is presented in the unity of personal-motivational, professional-gnostic, analytical-hermeneutic, professional-artistic and methodical-practical components. The functionally determined role of each structural component in the formation of the interpretative competence of future vocal teachers as a holistic phenomenon is considered.


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