The essence of the concept of “vocal culture” and the artistic and pedagogical potential of the European vocal art in its formation of bachelor’s educational level students




musical art, vocal culture, European vocal art, artistic style, bel canto vocal school, innovative speech and vocal-technical trends; modern repertoire


The article raises the problem of forming the vocal culture of future music teachers on the basis of mastering the achievements of European vocal art. The definition of the essence of the concept “vocal culture” in the works of Ukrainian scientists is considered. The main features of this phenomenon are singled out; they consist in deep erudition in the field of musical art, the possession of perfect vocal and performing skills and abilities, the formation of the personal qualities of the singer, which form the basis of a convincing and stylistically reliable embodiment of the artistic and figurative meaning of vocal works. Attention was paid to the research of Chinese scientists who emphasized the importance of the pedagogical aspect of the vocal culture of the future music teacher. The authors study the main stages of the formation of vocal European art and the stylistic features of their manifestation in the performance of works of various artistic and creative directions. It is emphasized that mastering the basic phonation skills, which were formed within the Italian vocal school of bel canto, plays a leading role in the singer’s acquisition of performance and technical perfection. The peculiarities of the extrapolation of the specified performing style into the operatic art of France and Germany are characterized; their characteristic features are presented, which were formed under the influence of stable artistic and musical-performance traditions, as well as due to the influence of the speech-phonetic features of the French and German languages on the character of vocal sound production and intonation. It is emphasized that mastering the vocal culture of performing works of distant eras is a particular difficulty for the students, which involves a deep immersion in their aesthetic and philosophical background, general cultural, artistic and psychological atmosphere in which the creative activity of the authors of vocal phenomena took place. The complexity of mastering the vocal work of modern composers, who use non-traditional means of organizing musical language and an expanded complex of innovative vocal and technical techniques, is also noted. Emphasis is placed on the importance of researching this issue and developing methods of training singers to master the modern repertoire as an important aspect of forming the vocal culture of music teachers.


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