The soundscape of the ballet “Mariupol” by Ivan Harkusha and Vladyslav Detiuchenko




modern Ukrainian ballet, work of I. Harkusha, choreographic vocabulary of V. Detiuchenko, sound landscape, Russian-Ukrainian war, international activity of Ukrainian artists


The article examines the soundscape of the “Mariupol” ballet, created by Ukrainian composer and sound artist Ivan Harkusha and choreographer Vladyslav Detiuchenko. The purpose of the research is to analyze the sound elements of the ballet score and their coordination with the choreographic solution, which form the unique sound space of this work. Their significance in reflecting the current state of Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian war is determined. The concept of “sound landscape” is defined and the main parameters of this phenomenon in music and theater practice are highlighted. It is well-founded that the soundscape of the ballet “Mariupol” is based on the synthesis of urban sounds (excerpts of interviews, the sound of a siren, etc.), author’s choral Ukrainian music (M. Leontovych) and modern musical techniques in the field of sound art. Composer I. Harkusha uses a wide range of musical styles, from classical motifs to electronic sounds, which allows to convey the diversity and multifaceted sound environment of the city. An important role in creating a sound space is also played by timbral solutions that combine both acoustic sounds and modern electronic means. It was determined that V. Detiuchenko’s choreography, in turn, emphasizes the emotional component of the music, conveying tension, dynamics and contrasts of inner feelings through the movements of the dancers. Intimate moments of personal experiences and reincarnations become important. Choreographic decisions focus attention on details, which allows you to feel the emotional state of the characters more deeply. An important aspect of the article was the determination of the role of modern technologies, in particular the Zoom platform, in the process of staging a ballet in Washington (USA). It has been proven that artists use cultural and musical elements that reflect the historical heritage and modern development of the city, thereby creating a unique work of art that resonates with the audience and becomes a mouthpiece of modern tragic events in Ukraine. It is determined that the soundscape of the “Mariupol” ballet is an important tool for understanding cultural, social and historical processes in a modern city in Ukraine, which is under attack from the enemy.


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