Svitlana Bespala: biographical portrait women composers of Chernigiv region (end of XX – first quarter of XXI century)




Svitlana Bezpala, contemporary composer, Chernihiv region, Ukraine at the end of the 20th – the first quarter of the 21st century, composer’s creativity


The article is devoted to the biographical portrait of the Ukrainian composer Svitlana Bezpala, whose activity defines the cultural life of the Chernihiv region from the end of the 20th to the first quarter of the 21st century. The scientific investigation analyzes in detail the key stages of the artist’s life and work, examines the composer’s artistic dynasty, including her family ties and the influence that this family had on her creative development and artistic formation. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the biography of Svitlana Bezpala, a composer from the Chernihiv region, with an emphasis on determining the main stages of her life and creative development in the context of the musical culture of Ukraine at the end of the 20th – the first quarter of the 21st century. The research methodology involves the use of a complex approach and basic methods: biographical, documentary, art history, analysis of Svitlana Bezpala’s life path through the study of her personal documents, memories, interviews and other sources, which allows to reconstruct the key stages of her life and creativity. The introductory part of the article contains an analysis of the art history discourse related to the relevance of scientific investigations regarding the study of the creativity of young composers of Ukraine, as well as the determination of the features of their style and the specifics of the author’s writing. The main milestones of the biography of Svitlana Bezpala are considered, noting the education, the first successes as a composer, as well as the artist’s influence on the art of Chernihiv as a whole. Particular attention is paid to the creative output of the composer, including her main musical works of the early period of creativity, genre and style features. In particular, some areas of Svitlana Bezpala’s compositional creativity have been determined, namely: ensembleinstrumental (quartets for wind ensemble) and musical. For the first time, the music was structured and analyzed before the staging of a musical and stage performance – the musical for children “Orchestra”. The article examines her compositions, which are marked by an innovative approach and content, as well as their influence on the local musical tradition. For the first time, Svitlana Bezpala’s creation of small orchestra groups, such as: “Combo”, “Prime Time Band”, “Drive-jazz”, “B-flat Seniors”, “Jazz Junior” was investigated. The interaction of the composer Svitlana Bezpala with other musicians and cultural figures of Ukraine is considered, her special role in the formation of the cultural environment of Chernihiv region is emphasized. The importance of research related to the discovery of new names of artists for the artistic circle, their contribution to the development of Ukrainian musical culture and the understanding of their importance for the formation of the traditions of the Chernihiv region at the end of the 20th – the first quarter of the 21st century is determined. Prospects for further research into the creativity of composers of the studied region are outlined. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the importance of preserving and popularizing the creative heritage of Svitlana Bezpala as part of the national cultural heritage of Ukraine at the end of the 20th – the first quarter of the 21st century is emphasized.


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