Synthesis of Arts in the Christian Church of Ukraine-Rus
ancient Rus church interior, study of canonical art techniques, synthesis of visual arts, architectural and artistic imageAbstract
The article is devoted to the establishment of interconnections and mutual influences of various types of visual arts used in the decoration of religious buildings of the Orthodox faith in Ukraine-Rus. The author focuses on the importance of each type of fine and decorative arts involved in the creation of a single architectural and artistic style to acquaint students with canonical art techniques. The subordination of all artistic and artistic components for the sake of the Liturgy, the main event in a Christian church, is highlighted. The purpose of the work is to highlight the presence of a synthesis of visual arts and to reveal their interaction in the interior of an ancient Rus church. The methodological basis of the study, due to the multidisciplinary nature of the subject, is general scientific methods, in particular, analysis and synthesis made it possible to summarize information on the theory, history and practice of visual arts; cultural and art history helped to identify their features and general properties, and historical and logical made it possible to establish the interaction of the studied arts in the ancient Rus church. The scientific novelty lies in determining the interaction of different in nature arts, such as mosaic painting, fresco painting, icon painting, sculpture, foundry, book miniature, decorative and applied arts in the formation of the ancient Rus church interior. The research has established that the formation of the temple interior is of great importance for the justified combination of the varieties of fine arts into a single whole and the creation of a holistic architectural and artistic image on the basis of this alloy of arts. With regard to the interior of the ancient Rus church, the synthesis of the fine arts is based on the compositional unity of architecture with other types of visual arts, which should be inextricably combined in a certain architectural space.
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