Current issues of future specialists’ preparation for vocal-professional activity
vocal-professional activity, professional training, educational paradigm, scientific approaches.Abstract
The issue of modernizing the methodology of preparing students for vocal-professional activity in higher education institutions in the process of teaching singing has become more and more relevant in recent decades, as there is a need for a fundamental change in the vocal-pedagogical paradigm. The purpose of the article is to generalize the scientific thought regarding the preparation of master’s degree applicants for vocal professional activity in institutions of higher musicpedagogical education at the current stage. The research methodology involves the use of a complex of theoretical methods: analysis of the views of scientists regarding the problems of the higher vocal education and their generalization, systematization of the thesaurus in the specified plane and substantiation of current scientific approaches to solving the issues of preparing future singers and teachers for vocal professional activities in higher education institutions. It was noted that the trigger of significant changes was the inclusion of Ukrainian higher education in the Bologna system of two-level higher education and the introduction of a master’s degree, which encouraged the pedagogical community to active scientific and research activities and thus opened new horizons for improving the vocal education system. The essence of the concept of “professional training” and the specifics of its specification in the field of music education, the specifics of the vocal-professional activity of future singers and vocal teachers, the peculiarities of the vocal-educational process as a relatively independent field in the sphere of professional-musical training are considered. Attention is paid to scientific works in which the expediency of implementing leading ideas of innovative, humanistic, cultural, component, hermeneutic scientific approaches is substantiated, as well as research in which attention is focused on understanding the problems of an artistic content nature, issues of personal, communicative and subjective direction, updating the methods and technology of forming performance skills and pedagogical stability.
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