Methodological principles of forming pupils’ cultural competence in the process of composing creativity in general secondary education institutions




methodical principles, competence, composer creativity, cultural competence, improvisation, composition, future teachers of musical art, music making, music creation.


The article reveals the methodological principles of modern art education which provide the formation of pupils’ cultural competence. The ways of reforming the educational space, integration processes, which find their embodiment in new forms of creativity at lessons in the discipline “Art” in general secondary education institutions, are analyzed. The latest principles of the formation of pupils’ cultural competence due to the introduction of composing creativity are substantiated. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign sources, it was established that the process of composing creativity has a positive effect on the formation of pupils’ cultural competence and contributes to the comprehensive development of the pupil’s individuality. Different types of musical and creative activity, which in their totality are stepping stones to composer creativity in a broad sense, are revealed and substantiated. The specific features of the implementing these types of activities are indicated, namely gradualness, variability, interchangeability, multifunctionality, etc. The methodical principles of the formation of cultural competence are outlined and recommendations for ways of its development are provided. Based on the results of the research, the main aspects of the formation of pupils’ cultural competence due to the implementing creative types of work at lessons, primarily various elements of compositional creativity, were determined.


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