Choreographic education of primary school pupils by means of Ukrainian folklore




Ukrainian folklore, choreographic education of primary school pupils, elements of Ukrainian children’s folklore in choreographic education.


The article reveals the concept of Ukrainian folklore, Ukrainian children’s folklore, analyzes the pedagogical value of choreographic education of children of primary school age using Ukrainian folklore, provides recommendations on the use of elements of Ukrainian children’s folklore in the process of choreographic education of primary school pupils. The psychophysiological features of children of primary school age are characterized, namely: orientation to the development of spirituality, the leading place of learning in the development of thinking; the development of personal qualities in the intellectual, emotional, and volitional spheres; the emotional sphere remains the basis of the formation of the pupils’ cognitive interests and curiosity; junior schoolchildren are characterized by imaginative thinking, fantasy, concreteness, emotionality, impulsiveness and quick mood swings. It is substantiated that the use of elements of multi-genre children’s folklore in the choreographic education of primary school pupils not only decorates the dance and interests children, but also solves a number of pedagogical tasks, namely: artistic-aesthetic education (assimilation of universal human values, involvement of pupils in the study of genres of musical and choreographic art); development of musical abilities; national education (acquiring knowledge about traditions, customs, peculiarities of work and everyday activities of Ukrainain people, inheriting the spiritual culture of the national mentality and worldview of Ukrainian people; formation of skills of caring attitude and use of folk art); formation of partner interaction skills in children; providing an opportunity to navigate in the surrounding world (learning about the world through fairy tales, legends, riddles, proverbs, etc.; self-identification); development of children’s creativity, imagination through the imagery of children’s folklore works. The need for continuing research into the means of using and reconstructing children’s folklore, which is a source of education and ensuring the harmonious development of children, has been determined.


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