Music for the flute: a historical overview in the context of the genre
flute, history, genre, music, performance, repertoire.Abstract
The article provides an analysis of the historical evolution of flute music. Has been conducted research and analysis of the repertoire for the flute in the context of the genre, have been identified problematic issues of the modern genre classification of flute music, and has been provided an assessment of the perspective of using genre analysis in the popularization of works for the flute. The research revealed that the flute is one of the oldest musical instruments used by mankind. At the same time, the popularity of the flute is steadily growing today. This fact caused the creation of a significant number of works for this musical instrument, but there is no complete systematic classification of musical genres where the flute is used, classification which would take into account the historical context. Flute performance in Ukraine has a long-standing tradition, besides, many modern Ukrainian composers use the flute in their works. As can be seen from the overview given by us, the flute use in all genres of classical and modern musical art, which makes the issue of systematization and creation of a genre catalog of flute music an urgent theoretical and practical issue of musicology. The creation of a national and regional classifier of works for the flute will contribute to the popularization of the work of modern composers, and will expand the circle of professional flautists. The authors note that the research and systematization of the repertoire for the flute, taking into account genre varieties, the development of new classifications of the genres of flute music, can become the basis for further scientific research in this field.
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