Methodological aspects of work with a (button) accordion ensemble
ensemble performance, (button) accordion music, (button) accordion ensemble, rehearsal work, ensemble performance skills, sound balance.Abstract
The article emphasizes that the main precondition for optimal development of ensemble performance skills in the process of work of a (button) accordion ensemble is a systematic and purposeful joint artistic activity of the ensemble leader and its members, which is concertoriented. The successful result of learning and artistic work of such a collective primarily depends on efficient leadership; therefore, its leader must be both a pedagogue and a mentor, constantly seeking new technologies of leadership. The author underlines that accurate text reproduction, the realization of all the dynamic nuances, features and tempo variations is a necessary component of the joint work. In the process of such work, the ensemble members gradually lose their apparent individual differences characteristic of solo performance and develop ensemble performance skills: uniform bellows movements and collective sound quality, the ability to correlate one’s own sound with the collective one, etc. The article also reveals the significance of general rehearsals, which are the predominant type of work in a (button) accordion ensemble. This is where the main process of elaboration on a piece of music takes place. On the other hand, great importance for productive work of a (button) accordion ensemble, especially if it consists of more than eight members, is attributed to part rehearsals. This initial stage of learning, when the basis for future knowledge and skills is created, is of paramount importance for the subsequent development of an ensemble musician. Another important factor determining the artistic efficiency of work of a (button) accordion ensemble is the unity of its educational and professional artistic dimensions. Positive results in the development of ensemble performance skills as well as a high quality of an ensemble’s activity in general are ensured not only by separate efficient work techniques and approaches and successful concert events but also by the corresponding sequence of classes and systemic pedagogical actions.
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