Historical and cultural foundations of the development of accordion estrada performance





accordion performance, variety art, original accordion repertoire, variety music, development of accordion music


The article aims at describing the main historical and culturological principles of the development of variety accordion performance. Research methods. Theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the subject matter; methods – deduction from the general to the specific, observation of the performances of the leading variety accordionists, comparison and generalization of the obtained data. The article identifies the key peculiarities of the esthetics of variety music. They are simplicity and comprehensibility of content; playful nature of figurativeness; simplicity of form and prevalence of small forms; comprehensibility of music language; expressiveness and vividness of melody; preference for dance rhythms; presence of an inherent dramatic aspect that follows the laws of mass perception; admiration for virtuosity. It is noted that variety repertoire and style of performance became predominant in the artistic activity of the first foreign accordionists and their followers. Those were true masters of accordion music: P. Frosini, P. Deiro and G. Deiro, A. Fossen, H. Schittenhelm, S. Jesualdo, A. Volpi, G. Marcosignori, A. Galla-Rini, C. Camilleri, C. Magnante, F. Marocco, A.V. Damme, R. Wuerthner, E. Vacher, C. Peguri, J. Colombo and others. Variety accordion performance with its characteristic esthetics, music language structure and specific means of performance was historically the first in the repertoire of accordionists. Nevertheless, it still exists, continues to develop and presents the peculiarities that are identified as the key peculiarities of variety music. The historical and culturological regularities of the development of accordion music, a wide spread and popularity of variety performance and the latest trends in the contemporary music practice substantiate the possibility and necessity of developing this type of music performance.


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