Fundamental aspects of the discipline “ethics and aesthetics in contemporary art” for students of fine arts




art, ethics, aesthetics, artist, fine arts, art education, professional activity, consciousness, culture


The article highlights the fundamental aspects of teaching the discipline of free choice “Ethics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Art” for higher education students majoring in 014 Secondary Education (Fine Arts) and 023 Fine Arts, Decorative Arts, Restoration. It reveals the educational, upbringing, humanitarian, and artistic possibilities of the humanistic subject through mastering and creative comprehension of the main binary categories of ethics and aesthetics in the modern world and fine arts. The author emphasises the great potential of the discipline for the formation of self-awareness of modern creative youth, the development of spirituality, creative, positive thinking, as well as the practice of the higher education student from the standpoint of an ethical and aesthetic subject in the educational process and future professional activity. The article considers the possibilities of implementing a humanistic strategy of education by means of the subject in the process of performing creative practical and independent tasks. The subject of the course “Ethics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Art” is considered from the standpoint of rational justification of morality and identification of its nature, essence, place and significance in human development and the development of art, its role in society. It is emphasised that the discipline analyses the mechanisms of moral orientation and regulation expressed in systems of values, norms, principles, concepts of moral consciousness, and studies the phenomena of ethics and aesthetics in the context of the historical development of society and art. It is proved that the course “Ethics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Art” contributes to the formation of students’ stable moral and value orientations, improves the general culture of a person, in particular, a future specialist artist; the ability to confidently operate with ethical and aesthetic categories based on knowledge of the heritage of world and Ukrainian artists, contemporary artists; to justify their own worldview and ethical position; to apply the acquired knowledge in solving professional artistic problems.


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