Pedagogical conditions and methods of forming the intercultural competence of future vocal teachers according to the genre-style approach




pedagogical condition, future vocal teachers, intercultural competence, genrestyle approach, method, vocal works with national content, genre-style content


agogical conditions for the formation of intercultural competence of future vocal teachers are developed in the article, and methods are defined that contribute to the effectiveness of the implementation of each of the conditions. It is emphasized that the training of future vocal teachers in the direction of musical art today requires a competent individual who is able, based on the system of knowledge, skills and experience of personal interaction with different cultures, to master the phenomena of artistic genres and styles in the context of intercultural interaction and, on this basis, to carry out professional executive and pedagogical activity. A theoretical analysis of scientific works devoted to various aspects of the pedagogical problem of intercultural competence of future vocal teachers was carried out. It is noted that the researchers did not develop pedagogical conditions for the formation of intercultural competence of future vocal teachers based on the genre-style approach. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of intercultural competence of future vocal teachers according to the genre-style approach are understood as a set of external and internal factors of transformation of the educational process of training students, the implementation of which depends on the level of formation of their knowledge, abilities and skills regarding the genrestyle content of vocal heritage in different cultures of the world in real conditions of higher education institutions. Three pedagogical conditions are distinguished. The first pedagogical condition – the systematic introduction of a genre-style approach to the professional training of future vocal teachers ensured the improvement of the curriculum of their vocal education. The second pedagogical condition – the use of interdisciplinary connections for the formation of intercultural competence of future vocal teachers on a genre-stylistic basis provided for the growth of experience in coordinating musical-historical, musical-theoretical and vocalperformance cycles of educational components. The third pedagogical condition – the genrestyle diversity of the vocal repertoire was qualified as an artistic-pedagogical technology of genre-style intercultural competence. Effective methods of implementing each of the pedagogical conditions have been developed. It is proved that the interrelationship of pedagogical conditions and methods of their implementation ensures the content integrity of the method of forming the intercultural competence of future vocal teachers according to the genre-stylistic approach. The prospects of further scientific research in the development of a model of the methodology for the formation of intercultural competence of future vocal teachers based on the genre-stylistic approach and the conducting of ascertaining and formative stages of the experiment are outlined.


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